August 7, 2020

Tips for Effective Virtual Communication with Kids

If you’ve ever eavesdropped on a preschooler’s phone or FaceTime conversation, you probably found it very entertaining, but also a little cringey. After all, young children are still learning the social graces of one-on-one conversations.

Our experts in the Kiddie Academy® Education Department offered up the following guidance on how to make virtual communicating a comfortable and worthwhile experience for kids of all ages.

Is It Worth Trying to Teach Your Child Virtual Etiquette?

As with any one-on-one interaction your child may encounter, you want them to be polite, responsive, well-mannered and cordial. The reality is, with younger children, some of these expectations can be developmentally inappropriate. In the early years (2s – preschool), your child’s receptive and expressive language skills aren’t fully developed. They don’t comprehend certain questions asked of them and will have difficulty responding appropriately. Or they may not respond at all.

Many young children become shy – reserved and uncomfortable – seeing themselves and others on a computer screen while others will become excited and chat away.

Don’t worry about your child not looking directly into the camera. Children have difficulty making eye contact in person. Looking into a small hole on a computer and being attentive enough to do so for the duration of a call may not be developmentally appropriate.

Tips For One-on-One Virtual Calls With Kids

It’s a big deal when children can see and talk to their friends one-on-one via the screen. Here are a few bits of advice on how to turn the calls into good experiences for everyone:

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