February 12, 2024

Valentine’s Day Cards of Appreciation

While looking for children friendly Valentine’s Day crafts do not look over the staple – a tried and true Valentine’s Day card. However, instead of expressing love, create one with your child that expresses appreciation for different people in their life. This can be a teacher, friend, postal worker, or even a first responder.

Here is how you can make one at home…



  1. Fold the paper in half to create a card.
  2. Think of someone you appreciate in your life and write them a message or draw them a picture on the inside of the card.
  3. Decorate the front (and back) of the card as well!
  4. Deliver the card to the person to let them know they are appreciated.

This is not only a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with kids. It is also a perfect activity to prepare for Random Acts of Kindness Day that falls on February 17th! For more ideas on how to celebrate kindness, check out our blog here.

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