July 26, 2024

Leading With Creativity to Inspire Life-Long Learning

One of the things that makes Kiddie Academy® unique is our ability to foster learning moments in a variety of ways. Much of this starts with the activities we facilitate in the classroom. As opposed to providing children with things like coloring books or worksheets, we instead create a child-led environment where they can feel empowered to create something entirely original.

Whenever we introduce a new activity, we always try to find a way to tie it back to our Life Essentials® curriculum and the six developmental milestone-developing outcomes: Character, Confidence, Curiosity, Connection, Critical Thinking, and Creative Expression.

Here are a few activities that stand out:

Build a Nest (Ages 3+)

In this activity, children are encouraged not only to explore various materials throughout the classroom to create a bird’s nest, but to also think critically about animal habitats. This provides an opportunity for creativity and learning that reflects the real-world and inspires children to observe how their peers approach the task through their own individual lenses.

3-D Self-Portrait (Ages 4+)

Leveraging creative expression, children use modeling dough to sculpt three-dimensional self-portraits. They use child-safe mirrors to observe and create their features, and then discuss their features with their friends and share which they like the most. This creates an opportunity for children to express their thoughts and even cultivate a sense of confidence.

Community Book Drive (Ages 5+)

This activity teaches children to support their local community by organizing a book drive. By exposing the children to the importance of community and giving back at an age when children are becoming more aware of the needs and feelings of others in the world, they can develop character and connection for the long-term.

By introducing creative activities that have a lasting impression, we’re able to prepare children for life. Learn more about our Life Essentials curriculum, the ways we foster social-emotional development, and more by visiting the Outcomes for Life page on our website.

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