At Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care, we believe that supporting the community is essential to our mission of providing high-quality early childhood education to children. We know that when children come from strong, supportive communities, they are more likely to succeed in school and in life.
That’s why we are proud to partner with Family Promise, an organization that provides support and resources to families experiencing homelessness. Family Promise offers a variety of programs, including case management, rental assistance, housing location and transportation, as well as rotational shelter, financial literacy services and educational initiatives.
We believe that investing in communities is important because it helps to create a brighter future for all children. When children have access to safe and affordable housing, quality education and healthcare, they are more likely to reach their full potential.
Why it’s important to raise awareness of the family homelessness crisis
Family homelessness is a growing problem in the United States. In 2022, an estimated 2.5 million children experienced homelessness. Children who experience homelessness face a number of challenges, including significant impact on their emotional and social development.
Raising awareness of the family homelessness crisis is important because it helps to dispel the myths and stereotypes associated with homelessness. It also helps to build support for policies and programs that can help families experiencing homelessness.
What you can do to help
Each year, Family Promise encourages communities to host “Night Without a Bed,” a national social media challenge and fundraising campaign to raise awareness of family homelessness and help support community members in need.
Taking part in Night Without a Bed is easy:
- Spend a night without the comforts of a bed. Participants are asked to sleep anywhere without a bed—a car, tent, couch or a living room floor— in solidarity with children and families experiencing homelessness.
- Snap a photo to share with friends and family. Post a photo or video to social media using #KiddieAcademyFamilyPromise #NightWithoutaBed #CommunityEssentials
- Share your experience and why you chose to raise awareness of the invisible crisis of family homelessness. Invite others to join in or to donate in support of you spending a night without a bed.
Participating in Night Without a Bed is an engaging, accessible way to bring up the topic of homelessness with young children and your community. Find out when your local Academy is hosting Night Without a Bed in your community! You can also donate to Family Promise’s national fundraising efforts here.