July 17, 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility Efforts at 2024 Annual Conference

Kiddie Academy’s® Annual Conference brings together Franchisees, Directors, Educators, vendors, and partners from across the country to network, learn, grow, and celebrate. With an incredible turnout of more than 300 attendees this year, we’d be remiss if we didn’t use this connective event as an opportunity to spotlight our corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts and remind the Kiddie Academy community how they can get involved.

Raising Money for The Kiddie Academy Community Fund

Attendees gathered in the beautiful city of Denver this year to immerse themselves in a variety of programming, inspiring speeches, and thought-provoking breakout sessions. Kiddie Academy Community Fund signage, table tents, and meter boards were visible throughout the venue to prompt donations from attendees and raise funds for Kiddie Academy educators and team members who need financial assistance due to an unforeseen disaster or personal hardship. As a result, we were able to raise $5,000 for the fund, with a 100% corporate match.

This incredible donation will provide direct, meaningful support to our community members when they need it most. And considering our community is at the core of everything we do, it couldn’t be more important. If you’re reading this and feel called to contribute to help support educators in local communities around the country, you can make a donation here.

Giving Back to Our Philanthropic Partners

Giving back is a cornerstone of CSR, which is why this year, we put together 250 “Birthday Boxes” for our philanthropic partners. This included Family Promise, which delivers innovative solutions for family homelessness including prevention, shelter, and stabilization services; Kenzi’s Causes, which supports underprivileged children and their families through tools and resources necessary to thrive and live a more well-rounded life; and Denver CASA, which advocates for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect. The birthday boxes included things like birthday cake, frosting, birthday hats, and plates to ensure children can feel celebrated and loved on their birthday regardless of their circumstance.

Big thanks to all those who attended, contributed, volunteered, and helped us spread the word about our CSR initiatives at Conference this year. We are forever grateful to our Kiddie Academy community and look forward to finding more ways to support each other and expand our efforts in the future!

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